View of Ketchum from the mountain.
I watched a 5 year do a back flip off a jump onto moguls.
They do 'ski days' as part of elementary school during the winter here. The mountain offers free lessons/lifts for the schools.
Holly was afraid she might break a leg and opted to stay home and watch the boy. Here he is doing his best Colonel Sanders impression. "So then, I drop the chicken bits into the fryer..." He likes his yogurt.
The big reason Holly didn't want to get hurt was that she had the annual Galena Benefit at Sun Valley lodge on Saturday afternoon/ night and was in charge of running the silent auction. If she was busy getting a cast, BCRD would have been up a creek. Cameron and her kids generously offered to take Bridger over night. He had a great time hanging out with Lola and Luma. And Holly and I worked well into the night at the Galena Benefit. The moneyed folks around Sun Valley certainly are a different crowd than we're used to!
Sunday, we slept in. Neither of us stirred a bit until 9:00. It was glorious. We went and got Bridger from Cameron's house... they didn't let us take him until we promised to let them have him again sometime soon. Her two little girls thought it was great fun to have a baby for the night!
After a late brunch with Bridger, we headed north.
Pretty sweet that this is our Sunday drive!
Bridger got to go for a wander on a plowed road to a ranger station. He walked probably 1/4 mile all by himself. He wanted to wander further, but we decided it was time to go, so we came home, had supper, and he crashed out.
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