It had snowed quite a bit since we had left and it was a bit of a challenge since we couldn't get as far in the wilderness of Sawtooth National Forest. As a matter of fact we only got about 200 ft past were the plow had stopped before the Cruiser found itself stuck in about 3 feet of snow.
Eric dug, and dug, and dug, and crawled under the truck and dug some more and eventually was able to get us out.
That day we saw a ton of elk.
Finally we found our tree.
We were determined to start 'new holiday traditions' this year, but Holly was inconsiderate enough to be sick every half an hour on Christmas Eve which put a damper on the day. By 4 she was feeling well enough to be up and around, so we decided to go to continue on with our plans and went to the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory and to the torch light parade down Dollar mountain.
The next day went much better. Bridger was delighted to see that Santa had come and apparently he had been a VERY good little boy this year. His favorite Santa gift was set up on the living room floor. It was a mat with roads, and a set of cars, trucks, and trains to play with on it. He got his first set of skis from Mom and Dad.
After Cinnamon Rolls and a big breakfast we headed up to Galena Lodge for snowshoeing. This will definitely be a Christmas day tradition. We took Cowboy Cabin Trail and Valley View. There was quite a bit of climbing, but the view was worth it!
Coming down we really were walking in a winter wonderland. The trees were still blanketed with snow, and the woods were absolutely silent. The snow created tunnels through the trees in places, and went along a mountain stream. It was really neat.
Bridger tried his skis out on the groomed nordic trail.
For Holly's Birthday we drove to Stanley.
We had a great supper-- Baby back pork ribs, corn bread, and sweet potatoes.
On New Years we decided to stay in. Ketchum is crazy busy, and it was super cold. Side note: we saw Arnold Schwarzeneggar three times over the New Year's holiday. We rearranged and decorated Bridger's room and watched movies. Finally, Sunday we had gone stir crazy so we went to breakfast and then went for a drive.
We let Bridger loose and Peyton followed. About 15 miles from our cabin is one of many roads leading nowhere this time of year (or a pile of snow where the plow stops). We decided to go to the last stretch of that type of road and walk for a while.
We let Bridger roam free with out worry of cars, wandering off the road, or eating rocks. Everyone had a glorious time.
Happy boy.
This is Ghost Rider requesting a flyby.
Eric 'skiing' Bridger.
Bed time snack after a long day.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!
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