Wednesday, July 9, 2008


I smell like gasoline, PB Blaster, and Fast Orange right now. Good times.


Tom said...

Don't tell me you did another head gasket. I will be extremely put out.

Grootveld said...

Nope, gas tank... I'd love for it to be a sweet "I gashed it open on these gnarly rocks while doing some extreme wheelin" stories, but there's a channel on the side of the tank that fills with salty slush in the Midwest, and it ate through the tank.

Tom said...

Ahhhh damn. Well, at least all the bolts were broken loose. :)

Grootveld said...

Pssshhhhh... I wish... We got to it from the top last time, remember? We didn't actually drop the tank. 4 of the 6 bolts holding the tank in broke off. Luckily, they go to nuts tack welded on top of a bracket instead of into the frame. I was able to climb up in there and knock 'em off with a cold chisel, and have got some new hardware holding it in now. I think I still have some rust and dirt in my ear after 2 showers.

Rat House Marc said...

Behold, you are man!

Cycle Ninja said...

Sounds like a good time. I'm glad I missed it. Last time I did anything that fun was when I took out the old faucet in my kitchen. I had to use a hammer, chisel, and Dremel rotary tool to get it out because the old metal bolts were rusted in place. I guess that's why they use plastic bolts these days.

Anonymous said...

Hi guess what? My name is Eric Grootveld I am 53 born in the Hague Holland in 1955 imigrated to canada in 1957.Just thought it was strange someone having the same name as me.If you want to contact me my email have a good one!!