Sights from our evening walk from our house
Highs in the 50's-60's, plenty of sunshine. Some of the south valley dirt has opened up; we're getting some 4WD 'Cruiser time in, and starting to get the bikes out too. I'm riding to work most days now, and Bridger's really enjoying the trailer ride home in the evenings. The last little sliver of snow is gone from the shaded part of the yard, FINALLY! :) There's still a bunch in the high country and in the canyons out from the valley, though. It'll be another month before everything is open and accessible, probably. We went up to Galena Summit over the weekend and the snow is still 4-6 feet deep along the road.
Bridger has made the transition to his big boy bed, which is a loft/treehouse that we originally intended to just be a play structure. He has been really great with the transition; he has not climbed out of bed on his own at all. He LOVES the outdoors, and is currently very interested in trains, guitars, and bikes. Our landlord is a great guy, and loaned us one of his old Ukulele's for Bridger to play with when he heard how much interest Bridger was showing in our guitar.
We gave him a home haircut this week; we usually take him to have it done but thought we'd try it ourselves this time. All done!
He is counting now, and seems to count by halves... unn, twoeee, throoour, fwi! He counts animals in his books, trees along the trail while we hike, pieces of cereal on his tray, and got the biggest grin when he was watching Sesame Street and they started counting too.
He likes to carry his stuffed animals around, and enjoys bringing as many as he can with him at any given time. So, he loads them in a basket and carries them around the house.
Finally, here is a video. Warning: it's about 12 minutes of Bridger doing stuff we thought was cute and/or funny. If you're looking for fine cinematography, great soundtrack, or other elements of riveting filmmaking, sorry to disappoint. If you are a grandmother wanting to see her grandson identify parts of his face, then this is for you :)