So we have had more significant changes since our last post. In April we sold our house. The buyer requested a closing date within two weeks of their offer. We had basically settled in on the fact that we were going to be in the house for a few more years while we waited for the housing market to change, and so the offer was major surprise. Eric was still on the hunt for a job, so we decided to wait out the summer in Eric's parent's basement to see if something came about before the snow flew. At the end of August Eric received to requests for interviews. One with a bike company called QBP out of Minnesota, and the other in Ketchum, Id as a Bicycle and pedestrian coordinator. He accepted the position in Idaho and needed to be out in 10 days. We packed like crazy. Got Bridger and Peyton to their annual doctor check ups, and sent Eric off with his dad and a great guy from cornerstone church that offered help.
Here is a video of Bridger we took while we were packing. One his own he went through a grocery bag and discovered a box of graham crackers. He opened the box to find an open package of crackers and took a graham out. Then he nibbled on one and fed another to Peyton. It was funny to watch this all unfolding from a distance.
After Eric made it out, I finished things up in Ames for work and for Usborne book shows that I had left to finish. Bridger and I arrived last Sunday evening.
Bridger and I spent our week unpacking and interviewing potential babysitters for him while I work. We feel that we have a great candidate to start him with tomorrow when I go to my first day at BCRD. We currently do not have a washer and dryer so we spent two evenings at the laundromat. On those evenings we went to the Power house (sweet burger/beer/ bike shop in hailey) and to the wicked spud (our fav. burger joint).

This past weekend we spent finishing some cleanup work on the little cabin we are renting. Saturday we drove to Stanley, wheeled at Smiley creek, and then had a picnic supper at Galena Summit. We wheeled to the top so we had some amazing views.