Be warned, we're going to make up for the last three weeks of not posting on this one post. Get comfy...
In our post titled "Update" we forgot to post up pictures from our time at McCall, just southeast of Hell's Canyon, where we spent our fourth anniversary (and also Chopper's hometown)... so here they are :)
Payette Lake; McCall is right on this lake. We took this from Ponderosa State Park.

The marina

Mom and Dad Grootveld came to visit the weekend of the 12-13, and we did a little of everything. Mom and Dad took the truck wheelin' and by some miracle didn't run out of gas... it had about 2 gallons, maybe three TOPS in the tank when they left, as I hadn't filled it back up after putting a new tank in. They drove up north of Ketchum to do some hiking at Adams Gulch (about 10 miles each way), then wheeling!
Saturday we showed them around Hailey and then went up to Ketchum to check out the high-roller crowd and see how the other half lives, then had supper at the Spud.
Sunday we went to Redfish (It is to the locals around here what Red Rock or Big Creek are to the central IA folks).

Peyton had a blast.

Then we went on a hike.

We came home and grilled some steak and ate on the patio.
On to Oregon!
Holly and I took a trip to Oregon this past weekend. Four nights of camping, driving the Oregon Coast and general Cascade Mountain and Ocean fun. We took off Wednesday, drove until 1:00, then stopped for the night. We got up nice and early and drove on west. Saw some wildlife. Nice little buck in velvet.

We stopped for lunch in Bend. It's Holly's new favorite town. There's a great park in the middle of town,

Peyton was very interested in the local fauna,

He had a great trip... saw the sights

and sawed some logs

The Coast!

The dunes were neat.

On to Highway 101! The Pacific Coast Highway is absolutely gorgeous, and is truly a blast to drive. The car definitely spent some time between 4000 and 6500 RPM on this trip. I highly recommend it.

It was cold, windy, and cloudy though... it was in the 40's at night, and it was in the low 50's all day.

Saw some lighthouses

Sea lions with pups

Reasons for the lighthouses

Great name for a store

Newport, OR

Home of Rogue Brewery

mmmmm... beeeeer... also some awesome seafood. We had some great clam chowder, and split some fantastic fish and chips.

It took Dog a bit of time to figure out ocean waves...

Probably the highlight of the trip... a little town called Oceanside, near Tillamook (which, incedentally, has the BEST ice cream either of us had ever tasted). Surfers, sand dollars, and a great sunset. We walked on the beach together, hand in hand, had a great time.

Here's the town

Sunset on the Pacific

All in all, it was a blast. A little chilly, but beautiful.
Funny story from before the trip... Wednesday, I came home for lunch and Peyton didn't greet me at the door. I looked around and called, but he didn't come. We've been feeding him outside so he makes less of a mess, and I thought maybe I forgot to let him in after feeding him and he went exploring. Holly and I went looking in the places we thought him most likely to have gone, and couldn't find him. Holly was starting to panic at this point. We came back home, and she opened Brian's bedroom door and there he was. She had taken some clothes out of the dryer and brought them into his room, he followed her in there, and she didn't notice and closed the door behind herself. Much excitement over nothing!
Are you still reading this? You really should develop some hobbies or something! :)